GES Non-Teaching Staff Promotion Application 2024. The Ghana Education Service (GES) has opened applications for the promotion of non-teaching staff for the year 2024.
Opportunities for Advancement
Qualified serving non-teaching staff are encouraged to apply for promotion to various grades within the GES, including:
Accounting Class:
- Chief Accountant II
- Deputy Chief Accountant I & II
- Principal Accountant
Internal Audit Class:
- Chief Internal Auditor II
- Deputy Chief Internal Auditor I & II
- Principal Internal Auditor
Administrative Class:
- Chief Administrative Officer II
- Deputy Chief Administrative Officer I & II
- Principal Administrative Officer
Catering Class:
- Chief Domestic Bursar
- Deputy Chief Domestic Bursar
- Principal Domestic Bursar
Technical Class:
- Chief Technical Officer
- Deputy Chief Technical Officer
- Principal Chief Technical Officer
Librarian Class:
- Chief Librarian
- Deputy Chief Librarian
- Principal Librarian
Supply Class:
- Chief Supply Officer
- Deputy Chief Supply Officer
- Principal Supply Officer
Laboratory Technician Class:
- Chief Laboratory Technician
- Deputy Chief Laboratory Technician
- Principal Lab Technician
Secretarial Class:
- Principal Private Secretary
- Senior Private Secretary
- Private Secretary
Driver Class:
- Yard-Foreman
- Chief Driver
- Principal Driver
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must meet the following criteria for consideration:
- Promotion to the specified grades should have occurred on or before September 1, 2019.
- Continuous service in the promoted position since the aforementioned date, with exceptions for approved absences.
- Demonstrated satisfactory work performance and exemplary conduct within the Ghana Education Service.
Enhanced Qualifications
Applicants holding Masters or PhD degrees can expedite their promotion process under certain conditions:
- The Masters or PhD program must be accredited by the GES.
- Masters or PhD certificates must have been acquired subsequent to the previous promotion.
- Masters or PhD certificates should have been obtained on or before the year 2021.
Application Procedure
To apply for GES non-teaching staff promotion:
- Access the application form via www.gepromotions.gov.gh starting from February 26, 2024.
- Complete the application form, affixing a recent passport-size photograph.
- Submit the last promotion letter, upgrading letter, or appointment letter.
- For those utilizing Masters or PhD degrees for promotion, only the respective certificate should be uploaded.
- Ensure all uploaded documents are in PDF format, except for passport photographs, which should be clear and readable.
- Upload the completed application form on the website no later than March 31, 2024.
Selection Process
Only shortlisted applicants will proceed to the interview stage.
Note: Application forms are exclusively accessible at www.gespromotions.gov.gh. Applicants are reminded to complete the declaration portion (part xi) as evidence of identity.