In a tragic incident, a 31-year-old night worker named Fungai and her boyfriend, Onesimo, are facing charges for the death of Wellington Mupfuti. The fatal encounter occurred when Wellington, who had hired Fungai for a brief rendezvous on November 26, 2023, refused to pay the upfront $5 fee for her services.
The unfortunate events unfolded at a nightclub where Wellington and Fungai were initially enjoying drinks. Wellington’s interest in intimate activities led to Fungai quoting a fee of US$5 for her services. However, upon leaving the nightclub for Wellington’s home, a disagreement arose when Fungai insisted on immediate payment, a demand vehemently rejected by the client.
This disagreement escalated into a physical altercation, during which Fungai allegedly retrieved a knife from her bra and stabbed Wellington in the forehead and shoulder. The situation took a darker turn when Onesimo, Fungai’s boyfriend, arrived at the scene. Fungai reportedly handed him the knife, and he joined in the assault, stabbing Wellington in the neck and back.
The couple, Fungai Kufakwatenzi and Onesimo Tonha Chamutsa, both residing in Birchenough Bridge, appeared before Chipinge magistrate Alfred Chinembiri. They have been remanded in custody until December 11, with instructions to apply for bail at the High Court, as reported by Manica Post. The unfolding tragedy highlights the gravity of the situation and the legal consequences now facing the accused couple.