The Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) is revamping its approach to education in cocoa-growing areas. Here’s a breakdown of the key points:

  • Why the Change?

    • Ghana’s Free Senior High School (SHS) initiative made COCOBOD’s scholarship program (focused on senior high school) less relevant.
    • COCOBOD aims to adapt and strategically support evolving educational needs.
  • New Initiative: The Cocoa Board Education Trust

    • Replaces the Scholarship Scheme.
    • Focuses on building new model primary schools in underserved cocoa communities.
  • Goals of the Education Trust

    • Provide a strong educational foundation for children in these areas.
    • Bridge the gap in access to quality basic education.
    • Invest in the long-term development of cocoa-growing communities.
  • Impact

    • Improved access to quality education for children in cocoa-growing regions.
    • More focus on the critical foundation of primary education.
    • Broader and more lasting positive impact on cocoa-farming communities.

Overall, COCOBOD’s shift reflects a proactive approach to supporting the well-being and future of cocoa-growing communities by prioritizing quality basic education.